5 Facts the Maritime Industry Should Know About PYURE Hydroxyl Generation


5 Facts the Maritime Industry Should Know About PYURE Hydroxyl Generation

Properly filtering and sanitizing air used to be a difficult task onboard a vessel, but now there is an air purification solution available that checks off all the boxes. PYURE Dynamic Protection™️ is an industry-proven hydroxyl generator that maintains a healthy and safe indoor environment, reduces carbon emissions, and protects vessel operators’ bottom line.

Before installing PYURE onboard, you may have a few questions. Here are the top five facts to help ensure that it is the right fit for your vessel or fleet.

What Vessel Operators Should Know About PYURE
  1. What are hydroxyls? Is PYURE’s hydroxyl technology safe?

Hydroxyls (OH) are molecules consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, which makes them extremely reactive. Often referred to as nature’s detergent, these molecules react with and break down many pollutants, such as viruses, bacteria, allergens, odors, and more.

Multiple studies have shown the long-term safety of hydroxyl generator technology. A 13-week GLP toxicology studyshowed that PYURE had no adverse effects, deeming the hydroxyl generator safe for use around people, animals, plants, and sensitive materials.

  1. How does PYURE work?

PYURE's innovative, patented hydroxyl generator technology replicates the way sunlight naturally sanitizes the outdoor environment by generating hydroxyls and diffusing organic oxidants into the air indoors.

Through the utilization of ultraviolet (UV) energy, hydroxyl radicals are created inside the chamber. These hydroxyls then create powerful sanitizing oxidants that cascade out of the system and immediately begin neutralizing contaminants in the air throughout the indoor environment. PYURE generates around approximately two million hydroxyls per cubic centimeter.

  1. What are the main benefits of PYURE?

Vessel operators can reap several benefits by installing PYURE onboard, including:

  • Maintaining a clean, indoor environment free of viruses, bacteria, VOCs, allergens, and odors to ensure the health of guests and crew.
  • Reducing their vessel/fleet’s carbon footprint through reduced air resistance and less dense filters.
  • Saving on energy costs due to the utilization of recalibrated air circulation.
  • Increasing the shelf life of fresh produce in galleys and storage rooms.
  • Seamless installation into existing HVAC with no changing of airflow, no reduction of fan speed, and no redesign required. Maintenance is only required once a year.
  1. Does PYURE eliminate COVID-19?

PYURE has been proven to safely and swiftly eliminate 99.9999% of SARS-CoV-2 in both air and on surfaces indoors.

Our team worked with Innovative Bioanalysis, a Biosafety Level 3 laboratory, to evaluate the effectiveness of PYURE on SARS-CoV-2. The test results revealed that in just 80 minutes of operation, PYURE reduced 99% of SARS-CoV-2 in the air. Similarly, it reduced 99% SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces in just one hour of operation.

  1. What institutions have approved PYURE?

PYURE has received approval from multiple agencies. Currently, it is ETL, CE, and ABS certified. The PYURE MDU/Rx™ is an FDA-Registered Class II medical device.

Are You Ready to Install PYURE Into Your Current Onboard Ventilation System?

If you’re interested in strengthening your vessel’s immune system with PYURE, visit our website.

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