Seafarer Human Sustainability Declaration Launched, by Peter Hult, VIKAND CEO
Along with a group of key maritime stakeholders, the Seafarer Human Sustainability Declaration launched during the U.S. Coast Guard awards ceremony at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in Oslo, Norway during Nor-Shipping in early April.
Spanning the very breadth of the seven seas, the Declaration is applicable to every maritime segment.
As we head toward this next critical event, Seatrade, VIKAND and each of the early adopters of the Declaration’s Articles and intent—Inmarsat, ABS, AON, Fraser, FrontM, Global Maritime Forum, MHG Insurance, Psy-Fyi, Scoutbase, ShipMoney, Simwave and Thetius—welcome the cruise industry’s vital participation.
A united maritime industry is one that values and endorses sustainability of all who make its operations possible, both onboard and ashore.
To read the full Declaration and to become a supporting organization, click on the link below. Become a part of the dialogue of seafarer wellbeing.