guest medical screening service


Before travelers can explore the world’s most remote landscapes on a polar expedition cruise, they must first pass a pre-trip medical screening. However, operators have long been unable to find an accurate, reliable and easily available process – until now.

Now, guests can undergo a medical screening from anywhere. They simply visit our dedicated web portal, complete an online medical questionnaire and schedule a telehealth appointment with one of our highly qualified doctors.

For those guests who prefer an in-person medical screening over a telehealth consultation, VIKAND can still manage the process and appraise their results. Our doctors all have firsthand maritime experience and understand the health requirements for safe polar cruising.


VIKAND’s Medical Screening Service enhances the guest experience and streamlines work for operators. Guest safety and wellbeing are critical on expedition cruises, whilst operations are based on strict safety standards.
A doctor and patient
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    Schedule a Consultation from Home

    Before embarkation, guests can schedule a telehealth consultation through our Guest Medical Screening portal.

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    Connect with Maritime Medical Professionals 24/7

    To accommodate all time zones, our maritime medical professionals are available 24/7 for consultations.

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    Communicate in Your Preferred Language

    We offer consultations in six different languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Russian and Mandarin.

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    Keep Track of Your Progress

    Guests are notified when forms have been completed or if further action is required.

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    All Data is Protected

    All the data collected from the consultations is stored in full compliance with HIPAA & GDPR.

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    Fully Manage the Screening Process

    Our team takes on the administrative burden of screening all potential guests.

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    Experience an Easy & Automated Process

    Automatic notifications are sent out once forms are received and if further action is required by guests.

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    Receive Access to Our Dashboard

    Each client will receive access to a custom dashboard that will show the live status of each guest.

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    Open Line of Communication

    We will work with your team to ensure that they know the screening status of each embarkation as well as any guest inquiries that may arise during the process.

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    Comply with All Laws & Standards

    The screening process abides by the laws and standards set by GDPR, HIPAA, AECO & IAATO.


The guest visits a dedicated VIKAND web portal where they complete a simple online medical questionnaire.

A doctor and patient

Next, they schedule a telehealth screening with one of our doctors, all of whom have maritime experience and understand cruising.

A doctor and patient

This consultation takes place over video call from the comfort of the guest’s home and can be performed in a growing number of languages.

A doctor and patient

Once the screening is complete, VIKAND makes a final review of all medical information and determines if the guest is fit to sail before reverting to vessel operators.

A doctor and patient


Contact VIKAND to learn how our medical screening service can help streamline your business.