VIKAND about World Maritime Day 2015
(Fort Lauderdale, FL September 24th, 2015) – VIKAND is quoted in the article “World Maritime Day: What do you think” courtesy The Maritime Executive highlighting World Maritime Day 2015. Read an extract from the article below – or click here to read the full article by Wendy Larsen on The Maritime Executive’s website.
“As are the world’s oceans, the maritime industry is a global entity that interconnects trade – it is the life blood of nations’ economies. World Maritime Day provides a welcomed opportunity to reflect on the significant contributions made by the international shipping community and its professional mariners, who sail ships and transport the world’s life-essential cargos.”
Rear Admiral Paul Thomas, U.S. Coast Guard Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy
“I think WMD is a good initiative from IMO for the industry. It highlights important questions and hopefully it will give some time for reflections. I like that the focus this year is on education and training! One reflection from my side is the fact that owners, designers and yards have different objectives, and I see this on a more or less daily basis, especially when I’m having workshops with my clients. I work close with the crew on board and there is sometimes a missing link between the office/HQ and the crew – advanced equipment and systems are being installed on board and sometimes the crew do not know why (Read: “Another clever idea from the office…”). The key to success is training, education and understanding – not only the equipment!”
Read the full article on The Maritime Executive’s website!
Niclas Karlsson, Owner at Clean Ship Scandinavia
“World Maritime Day allows us to remember and focus on the safety, health and wellness of the many seafarers globally who are making international trade possible. Without these many hard working men and women, that world trade would come to a standstill. It is important that we continue to focus on safety, health and continued education for our seafarers in order to make this an attractive trade for people who are considering seafaring as a profession. Having been a seafarer myself, I value the hard work that is going in to being a mariner.”
Peter Hult, President of Vikand
“It is a day to refocus interest and attention on the maritime environment and particularly the people who make the related industries tick. The human element is fundamental to this, as are the rights and responsibilities which go with it.”
David Hammond, CEO and Founder of Human Rights at Sea
Click here to read the full article!
The theme for World Maritime Day 2015 is ‘Marine education and training’ and according to IMO:
“The theme was adopted to focus attention on the wider spectrum of maritime education and training, in particular its adequacy and quality, as the bedrock of a safe and secure shipping industry, which needs to preserve the quality, practical skills and competence of qualified human resources, in order to ensure its sustainability.”
For more information about World Maritime Day 2015, read the Maritime Education and Training Background paper by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).