Mental Health Solutions for the Maritime Industry

Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected. Conditions like depression and anxiety can negatively impact sleep, appetite, energy and immunity. Likewise, physical health problems take a toll on mental wellbeing. It is critical to manage risks to both – especially at sea.

At VIKAND, we believe that proactively mitigating risks to mental health, and strategically managing issues before they arise, are critical to the industry’s long-term sustainability..

VIKAND Maritime Assistance Program

VIKAND Maritime Assistance Program provides crucial support for crew members. Within this program, our proactive mental health solutions strengthen crew mental wellbeing, resilience and coping mechanisms, whilst empowering seafarers to sustain good mental health and a safe working environment at sea.

  • Develop a culture of care onboard
  • Address warning signs before they escalate
  • Create a crew mental wellness strategy
  • Safeguard the welfare of your employees
  • Maintain a safe onboard environment
  • Respond to the challenges of working at sea

VIKAND Mental Health Solutions

Seafarers may face numerous stressors: Family concerns, loneliness, job stress, interpersonal issues, health concerns and more. Whether they need a compassionate ear or more serious intervention, our experts are here to reduce the risk and impact of mental health challenges.

What Makes VIKAND Stand Out?

VIKAND’s mental health solutions stand apart in a number of ways:

  1. We offer extensive resources focused on proactive risk mitigation designed to prevent problems before they start.
  2. We understand maritime. Everyone on our team has either worked at sea or consulted for international maritime organisations. This allows us to connect with crew members and operators on a deeper level and offer tailored mental health solutions.
  3. We adhere strictly to HIPAA and GDPR laws, because confidentiality is absolutely paramount.
graphic of a doctor holding a stethoscope

Recent Mental Health Articles

VIKAND Supports V.Ships Greece with Mental Health Training
Mental Health Resilience at Sea
Safety at Sea Starts in the Mind


Learn how a comprehensive crew mental wellness strategy can help support a safe, productive and sustainable maritime operation.